Bates Method 101

  • How To Use Shifters

    It has been quite a while since I have released a Bates Method 101 video on YouTube. To start getting back into releasing more of them, I am sharing an excerpt from a recent Natural Vision Support Group class I taught about How To Use Shifters. This video is meant to accompany the new Episode…

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  • How To Achieve Flashes of Clearer Vision

    Click the image above to watch my most recent Bates Method 101 video, in which I address the topic of Clear Flashes, and how “dynamic relaxation” and “central fixation” are the primary ways to make these improvements appear and last longer. When you start spending more time without glasses or contacts, in conjunction with actively practicing…

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  • Diet, Nutrition, and Supplementation for Your Eyes

    Over 25% of the nutrients you absorb from the food you eat goes to nourishing all the various parts of your visual system. What you eat can influence how you see. If you want a list of specific foods to limit or avoid and a list of specific foods to eat more of, as well…

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  • Vision Myth #5

    Vision Myth #5 – The sun is bad for your eyes and ultraviolet light should be blocked out at all times. FALSE. The sun has gotten a pretty bad rap in the past half-century. We hear it all around, that the sun ‘poses a dangerous threat to your skin and your eyes’ and considerable measures…

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  • Bates Method 101: Movement – Be Aware of the Stare!

    Here is the next installment of my Bates Method 101 instructional videos. This edition covers the central idea of movement and the opposite of movement: staring. Staring is a poor vision habit that most people learn early on in life. To improve your own eyesight it is necessary to break the habit of staring. How…

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  • Bates Method 101: Palming

    Below is an instructional video about Palming, a central practice of the Bates Method of natural eyesight improvement. Most people overwork their eyes and do not give them sufficient rest. I always recommend that people palm every day. Right when I wake up I palm my eyes before I start my day and right before…

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  • Swing Your Way to Clearer Vision

    Do you remember how much fun you had playing on swing sets as a child? Think about how relaxing it is swing gently in a hammock or to sway back and forth in a rocking chair. These activities are not only fun and relaxing, but they can benefit your eyes as well. You don’t need…

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